The electron storage ring at the Synchrotron Radiation
Research Center, as a third-generation light source, is
routinely operated with a maximum beam current of
200mA with two DOIRS cavities. One major machine
upgrade is being undertaken at SRRC. It involves
replacing the existing Doris cavities with a single CESRIII
superconducting module. A maximum beam current of
500 mA in a high-order-mode under well damped
conditions is expected, and will significantly enhance the
spectral brightness and stability of beam. Commissioning
is scheduled for the spring of 2003. Two SRF modules of
the Cornell design will be delivered from ACCEL. The
associated electronics protect against the window arcing
and cavity quench, and support cryogenic control of
cryostat conditions. An existing low level RF system is
being modified and expanded for functional integration
with the SRF modules. The electronic integration of the
SRF modules is reported.
A Superconducting RF cavity which is designed by
Cornell University and has been tested at Cornell Electron
Storage Ring (CESR) will be installed at the Taiwan Light
Source (TLS)[1-3]. The 500 mA beam current upgrade
project at the TLS is expected to achieve the goals of
reducing the longitudinal bunch instability and doubling
the storage beam current.
The SRF station includes the cryomodule consisting of
one single-cell superconducting niobium cavity in the
cryostat and a cryogen distribution valve box[4]. The
SRF electronic system consists of many electronic
devices to support functions of protection, control, data
acquisition, and diagnostics. This system is going to be
integrated with the SRF module. The overview of this
system is given here, while some home-made circuits are
also introduced.
The SRF electronic system can be divided into five
main sub-groups:
1) Electronic devices on cavity module and valve box.
2) Carriage break-out box and valve box break-out
3) SRF electronic racks
4) Interlock ready chain
5) Low-level RF system
2.1 Electronic devices support cavity module
and valve box
An SRF cavity module is equipped with a set of sensors
to monitor temperature at various points, helium level and
pressure in the helium bath, cavity vacuum, RF signals,
cooling water flow, insulation vacuum, etc. Two kinds of
temperature sensors are used as cryogenic temperature
thermometers: Cryogenic Linear Temperature Sensor
(CLTS) and carbon sensor. A tuner system provides
frequency compensation by mechanically deforming
cavity. RF probes pick up RF signals, including forward
power, reflection power and transmitted power. The
liquid helium level is measured by the level sensor and
associated level meter.
The valve box contains some pressure transducers to
measure the supply pressure of liquid helium and the
return line pressure of HEX. Meanwhile, a cryogenic
venturi-type flow meter is used to measure the cold gas
mass flow in the helium return line. The pneumatic
supply valve and return valve in the valve box regulate
the liquid helium level and the helium bath pressure
inside the He vessel, respectively.
2.2 Carriage break-out box and valve box
As shown in the major function of the carriage
break-out box and the valve box break-out is to process
some transducer signals at the cavity module and the
valve box, including thermometers and flow meters. Also
the other signals between the cavity module and SRF
electronic racks are transferred through them.
2.3 SRF electronic racks
The SRF electronic rack comprises display meters,
comparator modules for the interlock ready chain, and
controllers for the vacuum gauge and the heater.
Meanwhile, the controllers inside provide different kinds
of interfaces for diagnostic and feedback, including RS-
232, analog output, and relay output.
2.4 Interlock ready chain
The interlock ready chain will turn off the RF system
when an interlock signal is received. Interlocks include
various alarm signals, such as tuner force and position,
helium bath pressure, HEX gas flow rate, liquid helium
level, cryostat insulation vacuum, cavity vacuum, tunnel
safety, and so on.
2.5 Low-level system
The existing low level RF system, made by SLAC,
comprises an interlock/protection system and three
feedback loops. Shown in Fig.2 is its block diagram. The
interlock/protection system consists of safety protection,
transmitter interlock and an RF switch. The feedback
loops are:
1) frequency loop, which drives the tuner to keep the
cavity frequency by compensating both the beam
loading and temperature/pressure effects,
2) amplitude loop, which stabilizes the cavity gap voltage
by regulating the driving power of the transmitter, and
3) phase loop, which stabilizes the output power phase of
the RF transmitter.
Block diagram of RF low-level system
This existing low-level RF system is being modified
and expanded in order to be integrated with the SRF
module. The modification is mainly on the tuner
controller that converts tuning angle into motor steps and
tuning direction. Moreover, a quench detector, a power
meter with fast analog output, a gap voltage protection
module, an interlock sum module, and an RF switch are
going to be added to the low-level RF system.
The quench detector was developed at CESR to detect
the quenching of superconducting. This circuit has been
duplicated and tested at TLS. It functions well at off-line
test. The power meter can be switched to display forward
power, reflection power and transmitted power. It also
provides fast analog output signals of the power detected.
The RF switch is to turn off RF power as a second
Shown in is the interlock sum module designed
and manufactured by ourselves. There are eight TTL
signal inputs, eight dry contact signal inputs, four TTL
signal outputs, and two dry contact signal outputs in this
module. Whenever there is an interlock signal received
by this module, a sum signal of the SRF interlock ready
chain, the window arc detector interlock and the cryostat
quench detector interlock will trigle the RF switch to turn
off RF power.
Figure4 Gap voltage protection module
The gap voltage protection module designed and
manufactured by ourselves is shown in Fig. 4. When the
transmitted power is below the setting threshold or the
tuning angle error is out of setting range, the output of
Proceedings of EPAC 2002, Paris, France
this module is the higher one of the transmitted power and
reflection power. This output regulates the amplitude
feedback loop and thus protects the cavity window.
These additional modules will soon be integrated with
the low-level RF system. Then this modified low-level
RF system will be tested at a test stand which has been
established and a room-temperature DORIS cavity would
be used to simulate the behavior of the SRF module.
The integration of SRF electronic system and the lowlevel
RF system is one of the major tasks of the cavity
upgrade project. Challenges are foreseen. Some key
modules have been manufactured in our lab. The test
results are pretty good. However, the goal is to operate
the SRF module well in the coming year. Therefore a lots
of efforts will be on mastering the routine operation,
setting points and functional optimization of the feedback
loops in the SRF electronic system. The integration and
test of this electronic system with the RF test stand are
thus very important.
The authors are grateful to Prof. H. Padamsee for his
continuous support. S. Belomestnykh, P. Quigley, R.
Kaplan, and J. Reilly (Cornell University) are especially
appreciated for their consistent technical support.
[1] G.H.Luo et al., “The Superconducting RF cavity and
500mA beam current upgrade project at Taiwan Light
Source,” Proceedings of EPAC2000, pp. 654-656,
[2] Ch. Wang et al., “Superconducting RF project at the
Synchrotron Radiation Research Center,” The 10th
Workshop on RF Superconductivity, 2001.
[3] R. Sah et al., “Operations and upgrades at SRRC,”
Proceedings of EPAC2000, pp. 684-686, 2000.
[4] R S. Belomestnykh et al., “Operating experience with
superconducting RF at CESR and overview of other
SRF related activities at Cornell university,” 9th
Workshop on RF Superconductivity, 1999.
Proceedings of EPAC 2002, Paris, France
The electron storage ring at the Synchrotron Radiation
Research Center, as a third-generation light source, is
routinely operated with a maximum beam current of
200mA with two DOIRS cavities. One major machine
upgrade is being undertaken at SRRC. It involves
replacing the existing Doris cavities with a single CESRIII
superconducting module. A maximum beam current of
500 mA in a high-order-mode under well damped
conditions is expected, and will significantly enhance the
spectral brightness and stability of beam. Commissioning
is scheduled for the spring of 2003. Two SRF modules of
the Cornell design will be delivered from ACCEL. The
associated electronics protect against the window arcing
and cavity quench, and support cryogenic control of
cryostat conditions. An existing low level RF system is
being modified and expanded for functional integration
with the SRF modules. The electronic integration of the
SRF modules is reported.
A Superconducting RF cavity which is designed by
Cornell University and has been tested at Cornell Electron
Storage Ring (CESR) will be installed at the Taiwan Light
Source (TLS)[1-3]. The 500 mA beam current upgrade
project at the TLS is expected to achieve the goals of
reducing the longitudinal bunch instability and doubling
the storage beam current.
The SRF station includes the cryomodule consisting of
one single-cell superconducting niobium cavity in the
cryostat and a cryogen distribution valve box[4]. The
SRF electronic system consists of many electronic
devices to support functions of protection, control, data
acquisition, and diagnostics. This system is going to be
integrated with the SRF module. The overview of this
system is given here, while some home-made circuits are
also introduced.
The SRF electronic system can be divided into five
main sub-groups:
1) Electronic devices on cavity module and valve box.
2) Carriage break-out box and valve box break-out
3) SRF electronic racks
4) Interlock ready chain
5) Low-level RF system
2.1 Electronic devices support cavity module
and valve box
An SRF cavity module is equipped with a set of sensors
to monitor temperature at various points, helium level and
pressure in the helium bath, cavity vacuum, RF signals,
cooling water flow, insulation vacuum, etc. Two kinds of
temperature sensors are used as cryogenic temperature
thermometers: Cryogenic Linear Temperature Sensor
(CLTS) and carbon sensor. A tuner system provides
frequency compensation by mechanically deforming
cavity. RF probes pick up RF signals, including forward
power, reflection power and transmitted power. The
liquid helium level is measured by the level sensor and
associated level meter.
The valve box contains some pressure transducers to
measure the supply pressure of liquid helium and the
return line pressure of HEX. Meanwhile, a cryogenic
venturi-type flow meter is used to measure the cold gas
mass flow in the helium return line. The pneumatic
supply valve and return valve in the valve box regulate
the liquid helium level and the helium bath pressure
inside the He vessel, respectively.
2.2 Carriage break-out box and valve box
As shown in the major function of the carriage
break-out box and the valve box break-out is to process
some transducer signals at the cavity module and the
valve box, including thermometers and flow meters. Also
the other signals between the cavity module and SRF
electronic racks are transferred through them.
2.3 SRF electronic racks
The SRF electronic rack comprises display meters,
comparator modules for the interlock ready chain, and
controllers for the vacuum gauge and the heater.
Meanwhile, the controllers inside provide different kinds
of interfaces for diagnostic and feedback, including RS-
232, analog output, and relay output.
2.4 Interlock ready chain
The interlock ready chain will turn off the RF system
when an interlock signal is received. Interlocks include
various alarm signals, such as tuner force and position,
helium bath pressure, HEX gas flow rate, liquid helium
level, cryostat insulation vacuum, cavity vacuum, tunnel
safety, and so on.
2.5 Low-level system
The existing low level RF system, made by SLAC,
comprises an interlock/protection system and three
feedback loops. Shown in Fig.2 is its block diagram. The
interlock/protection system consists of safety protection,
transmitter interlock and an RF switch. The feedback
loops are:
1) frequency loop, which drives the tuner to keep the
cavity frequency by compensating both the beam
loading and temperature/pressure effects,
2) amplitude loop, which stabilizes the cavity gap voltage
by regulating the driving power of the transmitter, and
3) phase loop, which stabilizes the output power phase of
the RF transmitter.
Block diagram of RF low-level system
This existing low-level RF system is being modified
and expanded in order to be integrated with the SRF
module. The modification is mainly on the tuner
controller that converts tuning angle into motor steps and
tuning direction. Moreover, a quench detector, a power
meter with fast analog output, a gap voltage protection
module, an interlock sum module, and an RF switch are
going to be added to the low-level RF system.
The quench detector was developed at CESR to detect
the quenching of superconducting. This circuit has been
duplicated and tested at TLS. It functions well at off-line
test. The power meter can be switched to display forward
power, reflection power and transmitted power. It also
provides fast analog output signals of the power detected.
The RF switch is to turn off RF power as a second
Shown in is the interlock sum module designed
and manufactured by ourselves. There are eight TTL
signal inputs, eight dry contact signal inputs, four TTL
signal outputs, and two dry contact signal outputs in this
module. Whenever there is an interlock signal received
by this module, a sum signal of the SRF interlock ready
chain, the window arc detector interlock and the cryostat
quench detector interlock will trigle the RF switch to turn
off RF power.
Figure4 Gap voltage protection module
The gap voltage protection module designed and
manufactured by ourselves is shown in Fig. 4. When the
transmitted power is below the setting threshold or the
tuning angle error is out of setting range, the output of
Proceedings of EPAC 2002, Paris, France
this module is the higher one of the transmitted power and
reflection power. This output regulates the amplitude
feedback loop and thus protects the cavity window.
These additional modules will soon be integrated with
the low-level RF system. Then this modified low-level
RF system will be tested at a test stand which has been
established and a room-temperature DORIS cavity would
be used to simulate the behavior of the SRF module.
The integration of SRF electronic system and the lowlevel
RF system is one of the major tasks of the cavity
upgrade project. Challenges are foreseen. Some key
modules have been manufactured in our lab. The test
results are pretty good. However, the goal is to operate
the SRF module well in the coming year. Therefore a lots
of efforts will be on mastering the routine operation,
setting points and functional optimization of the feedback
loops in the SRF electronic system. The integration and
test of this electronic system with the RF test stand are
thus very important.
The authors are grateful to Prof. H. Padamsee for his
continuous support. S. Belomestnykh, P. Quigley, R.
Kaplan, and J. Reilly (Cornell University) are especially
appreciated for their consistent technical support.
[1] G.H.Luo et al., “The Superconducting RF cavity and
500mA beam current upgrade project at Taiwan Light
Source,” Proceedings of EPAC2000, pp. 654-656,
[2] Ch. Wang et al., “Superconducting RF project at the
Synchrotron Radiation Research Center,” The 10th
Workshop on RF Superconductivity, 2001.
[3] R. Sah et al., “Operations and upgrades at SRRC,”
Proceedings of EPAC2000, pp. 684-686, 2000.
[4] R S. Belomestnykh et al., “Operating experience with
superconducting RF at CESR and overview of other
SRF related activities at Cornell university,” 9th
Workshop on RF Superconductivity, 1999.
Proceedings of EPAC 2002, Paris, France
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